Friday 10 September 2010

The Big number 2

19:51 9th September 2010

I’m sitting here blissing out on Elbow’s The Seldom Seen Kid (not the first track) and thinking of my love.

Elbow (MySpace)

I’m sitting by the shed in the back garden of the house were I live. It’s one of my favourite places. Right up there with the concrete stairs to the car park behind NWS house in Purley. And the peacock blue room with the gold stars. And punte de la nava.

Right up there with the Bush Bison farm in Wiltshire.

And the driver’s seat of Cherry my battered red Peugeot.

And a little flat in Portsmouth.

And 52 (head blowing to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there).

Today I found out the secret to having it all. Awesome no?

And the best thing is I have the skills to share it. And it’s free. And once you get what I’m saying, really get it, the rest of your life is going to be fucking awesome. And mine. And everyone’s.

Some thank yous.

Thank you life. Thank you Phil, you are the sun which draws the chlorophyll from my bark. Thank you for the challenge Dave. Thank you for anchoring me in reality Benjy. Thank you for leading the way Michelle. Thank you for believing in love my crazy parents. Thank you my friends and family. Thank you my work colleagues for being nice people in general and for not having me locked up for spilling my truth to you these past couple of crazy days. Thank you everyone I’ve ever spoken to. Thank you all the brave souls who ever dared to share their truth even when their ideas seemed totally fucking unsupported by the reality in which they found themselves.

“If your aren’t in your element then you are the ambassador for it”, as a wise lady once said. She didn’t know she was wise. It just felt true. Thank you for being so very brave and strong. All totally worth it.

So without further ado, here it is.

This Universe IS one big room or requirement (ta JK, and the science and math are sound - check out Jaron Lanier's Raft to the Future). And if you want it to be awesome you just have to ask for the right things.

Here’s the question which is going to change everything.

What is your deepest Love?

Here’s the answer which is going to change everything. When the light flashes and you know, balls to bone, what your deepest love is, you just have to say yes.

And here’s the science bit my fellow meatlings.

When you ask a question, any question, a little light sparkles in your head with the answer. Then your mental secretaries set about trying to retrieve it. And you know what? They don’t rest until they get it. Whether it’s instant cos it’s an idea you’ve already pounded a path to, or whether it takes them the next 100 years. They don’t rest.

It shouldn’t take 100 years to answer this one. But if you want to speed up the process there are a few important things to note. Don’t stress it. Don’t ponder it. What you wanna do is go play. Whatever impulse lights in you as something wicked fun to go do, go do it. Fuck off and have a laugh. That way, your secretaries will be able to hear the answer cos you won’t be sitting on their shoulder barking orders. They can just get the fuck on with it.

And when they come back with the answer, sit with it awhile. Even if it frightens the very life out of you to do so. Just sit with it. But if you can’t don’t sweat it. Get up and go do the thing you have to do. Whatever it is. Could be there’s another question you have to ask. Could be you have to go out and dance with the wonderful world and get a bit more info. Some more tools to help your secretaries in their good work.

Then just lather rinse repeat until you get the desired outcome. You’ll know once you’re there because suddenly everything will be funny. You’ll feel light and wonderful. And the more you share it the better it’ll get.

You’ll probably feel pretty fucking high for a couple of weeks. The feeling will come and go as you test each truth you receive with the next question. But eventually it’ll all bed down and you’ll feel exactly like your self. Only more so. Robin Skynner will be looking down from heaven and grinning his head off.

And you’ll lift everyone you come across.

And that’s not the best of it. Imagine a world where everyone is doing this…

Brian Cox you lovely man. We’re going to go to the stars. And so much more. Love is way more powerful than lucre. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water (thank you Adorno and Horkheimer). Money is a useful tool. But that’s all it is.

I reckon we should have everyone on board by about December 21st 2012 don’t you?

Be nice to get the London Olympics under our belts before we make the leap.

Then it’ll be time for this Universe to instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. And Douglas Adams will look down upon his creation and be mightily amused.

Although what I actually think will happen is that everything will seem much as it ever did. Only more so.  Unexplainably more so from here.

Thank you Graeme for mishearing me today and thinking I’d basically said that I had discovered an excel formula to answer the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. What a good idea I thought. And my mental secretaries were thrilled at the prospect of such a task.

So here it is.

Truth + Understanding = Love.

We live in a perfect world.

Why am I so clumsy? Because it’s funny. And I get to laugh at myself for the rest of my life.

And this is just the beginning. I have so much more. And I want to share with everyone. I’m only playing. Join in.

Pain is not for holding on to. It’s there to transform you. True Love doesn’t hide itself in a room. It’s transformative. It changes everything.

"What is your Deepest Fear?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.....You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world....We were born to make manifest the glory of God within is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others". by Marianne Williams
Thanks for this J. How awesome to hear fireworks go off in the distance when you shared this with me.

I've been living it. It's doable.

The time of the God of money is done. It’s just a tool. The God of Love is in the ascendant.  Martin Luther started it.  But we've done the hard work and it's time to play.

So beautiful. I had no idea. I had no idea.  Sagan you ledg.

No one has the ability to see how beautiful they are.  Thank you Phil. My Mirrorball.

I've heard some really funny stories in the last couple of the days.  Actually wet myself.  Got any good ones you care to share?  Go on, tell me yours and I'll tell you the one about the dog in the bag.



  1. If you haven't already read it, have a look into NLP. There's a lot of things in there about asking questions, envisioning the future, and suchlike. I used it to pull myself through my PhD. It's like a practical and less hippified version of The Celestine Prohpecy's first secret thingy. Also, there's a very mysticised version of if in the US at the moment where they are selling books about it called 'The Secret'. Basically, they are using positive mental images and trusting the sub-conscious and layering it with magical 'the divine universe answers' gubbins, but the methodology is sound.

  2. Cheers Doctor What. Please let me know what you think of the next post. I've gone a bit further and I'd be really interested to see what you think.
