Wednesday 15 September 2010

Reality Mechanics aka Reimaginating the Laws of Thermodynamics, just like the IChing told me

Hello Guys!

If you don't love a bit of science, then just skip to the colourful bit at the end.  (Thank you Peggy.  I love your beautiful small round head).
Thermodynamics is the study of energy, its conversions between various forms, the ability of energy to do work, and the spontaneity of processes. It is closely related to statistical mechanics from which many thermodynamic relationships can be derived. It is not concerned with the concept of time, or that of rate of change (derivative in time). As a result, it has been suggested that this science should rather have been called thermostatics.

The Laws of Thermodynamics
Alternative statements are given for each law. These statements are, for the most part, mathematically equivalent.
    • Zeroth law: Considered to be more fundamental than the other three laws, it was not termed a law until after the others were already in use, hence the number 'zero'. There is some discussion about its status. Stated as:
        • If each of two systems is in thermal equilibrium with a third system, all must be in equilibrium with each other.
    • 1st Law: Is stated as follows:
        • Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed.
        • The heat flowing into a system equals the sum of change in internal energy plus the work done by the system.
            • The work exchanged in an adiabatic process depends only on the initial and the final state and not on the details of the process.
            • The sum of heat flowing into a system and work done by the system is zero.
    • 2nd Law: A far reaching and powerful law, it can be stated many ways, the most popular of which is:
        • It is impossible to obtain a process such that the unique effect is the subtraction of a positive heat from a reservoir and the production of a positive work.
            • A system operating in contact with a thermal reservoir cannot produce positive work in its surroundings (Kelvin)
            • A system operating in a cycle cannot produce a positive heat flow from a colder body to a hotter body (Clausius)
        • The entropy of a closed system never decreases (see Maxwell's demon)
    • 3rd Law: This law explains why it is so hard to cool something to absolute zero:
        • All processes cease as temperature approaches zero.
        • As temperature approaches to 0, the entropy of a system approaches a constant.

Right then.  That's the "currently understood science" stated.  Now on with the fireworks...
    "A common scientific joke, as stated by C. P. Snow, expresses the four laws simply and surprisingly accurately as:

    0th) You must play the game.
    1st) You can't win.
    2nd) You can't break even.
    3rd) You can't quit the game."

    Hmm, very clever, but not clever enough.  It's a joke.  A fix.  A lie. (Garvey, well done that man).

    Try this:

    Life is actually an awesome casino.  All the Elvises you can eat, and the win is guarenteed, guilt-free and glorious!

    0th) Dedicate yourself to the game and we all win, and keep winning.
    1st) Winning your bit of the game is as easy as doing what you love and listening for feedback.
    2nd) Doing what you love to do at any given time will get you the best feedback.  You just have to listen.
    3rd) Best news?  You get to play this game forever... And the long term win is guarenteed.  No worries.  Ever. Happy days :)

    Come again?

    Lets have another look shall we.

    0th) Luke warm tea.

    If you leave a cup of tea in a room it will equalise it's temperature with the room. This is a well known piece of hedge science, and the bane of busy tea drinkers everywhere. But who said the room was cold? If the room is blazing with the light of a million of our suns then the tea will get very excited indeed. It too will blaze.

    We are creatures of energy, as is everything around us (tap your desk, that's congealed energy mate).

    It takes one person to turn onto an idea that makes them blaze and they will take any who care to stand close to them long enough with them. With no irony at all (American trans. "I am completely serious"), I can tell you I am currently blazing. (All the malarkey on this blog is what happens when I blaze - and no, I don't mean that I'm stoned - what will you do?)

    The laws of return state that where you give freely you will receive back 3-fold, but when you cheat you steal from yourself. If you have a look at this again, you'll see this is just a restating of the zeroth law. Put any two things together and the temperature will equalise. The more you put in, the higher the temperature at which equalisation occurs.  The more people who do this the greater the exponential effect, and hence the good return on your initial energy outlay. It's science mate. Go forth and blaze and, slowly, you'll find that the world can't help but blaze with you.

    1st) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed.
    As creatures of energy, imagination and story we have the power on a moment to moment basis to transform energy. And best of all, the easiest way to do this is to have a laugh. How amazing does everyone feel after they've had a good laugh? The air sparkles don't it.

    So don't sit in your brain when trying to figure something out, it's the equivalent of constantly clicking your mouse when you PC is trying to think (I mean process…). Go do something fun, your mental secretaries will thank you for the air and you'll get your answer that much quicker. You can answer any question this way. For example: What is your deepest love..? (And if you find the answer to that question, blazing is assured).

    And the best bit is, you don't need anything more than you already have. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. All you need do is look at exactly what you got, inside and out, and laugh. Let's face it, you are funny. Just look at you! Hilarious :)

    There are a couple of rules you may wish to note as you evolve from a meat creature into a supernova, just cos it'll make things easier. Who wants a hard life? Have a look:

    2nd) Entropy.
    In other words, everything is a bit leaky. All things, whatever they are, radiate (lose) energy. Of course they do! Everything is constantly trying to communicate with everything else. And we blessed creatures have the ability to interpret the messages encoded in this leaky energy. Each message like a little song telling you what the thing is all about and where it currently is on it's journey through time.

    Go somewhere you find beautiful and just listen. Watch the images that flash before you. We are all living in a multidimensional puzzle game. Like Zelda. Play your flute, don your mask. Really fucking listen, and then go do exactly what the excited whispers of inspiration tell you to do.

    But don't ever stop listening.

    Everything is singing, and if you can hear it, it's singing for you. By the same truck, if you don't love something, can't listen to it with an open heart, then leave it alone, it's not for you. Including this blog. Seriously, don't worry about it. If it's important it'll catch up with you soon enough.

    3rd) All processes cease as temperature approaches zero.
    But absolute zero is not possible to achieve in this universe, and therefore processes will never cease. Why is that? Well. Go read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch (quite a Guy). I'm currently on page 28.

    Hey, Book club! Jump in, give it a read, and let me know what you think you fascinating creature.

    Am thoroughly looking forward to seeing this world blaze bright with the awesome light of more than 6 billion supernovas. But don't fret it. All in your own good time Guy, at your own sweet pace, with a temperature you find agreeable and the beverage of your choice. Yeah it's the start of something new, big, and fantastic. But it's also very chilled, ridiculously easy, and more than anything else, profoundly fucking funny.


    Phil tells me I need to hold fire until I've finished the book before I really try and get any kind of message out there. Luckily no one is really reading this blog at the mo, so I can post with impunity. Once I've done the book (and the other 2 bits) I think it'll be time for an email.

    It's now 22:10 10.10.2010.  Make a wish...


    Tuesday 14 September 2010

    Holding Blog


    I awoke this morning pumped full of the fecund juices of creation. But more on that later. Before I write again I have some missions to go on. Promises to keep:

    1) Acquire (some?) Grace.

    2) Learn to communicate more effectively. It's all very well blissing out on beautiful music and then spilling my deep felt truths from that divine trance, but it's not what I'm about. If I'm going to waggle my arse in public the idea is to provide a succinct message about where the honey is, not to hypnotise everyone with my arse.

    3) Read more of Conversations with God. BTW, I'm calling the almighty "God" again. It's just such a powerful word no other will do. But when I refer to y'all as Guys you know exactly what I mean yeah? I'm naming you as Gods. As baby Universes in your own right. As creatures of imagination and story and meat. Children of God. Wrought from the very stuff of God. All that Jazz.

    In the meantime, anyone got a message to share then email, comment, pick up some litter, whatever. I am loving the messages, bring them on.  Help me out, I've got missions.

    Love you Guys.


    P.S. Finally listened to the 1st song off of The Seldom Seen Kid. Ha ha ha.  Talk about future echoes, or parallel evolution or whatever has happened there.  All I can say is, Yes! Of course!!!!  But then I do have a lot to learn about grace still...

    Monday 13 September 2010

    Open source code

    For Dan.

    From notes written on the stoop.  10:06 12/09/2010

    Listened to a bit of Elbow.  Then moved to Last FM for some Placebo radio (Cheers Pirate boy).

    So, if everything is made of energy, and Guy gave the world to us, and if we can transform energy using our actions, words, thoughts and emotions (which we can) then the challenge has been set.

    Come all you geeks and programmers, how will we define our new reality?

    Here are some basic rules and parameters to begin with.  Basic laws of return to follow (assuming you'd like the world to be a nice place to live in for everyone).

    1) First do no harm.  From the oath (cheers Dave).  Sounds right don't it but it wasn't until last night that I really got it.  I'd been to a petrol station outside Epsom for gas and groceries, and petitioned Ganesh (the dude behind the counter) to assist me in clearing a block.  (I asked him what the answer was, and he said £76.81).  It was time for Dave and I to have the big convo about the house.  Nervous much?  I drove home through happening and a part of me was feeling scared of the dark, when it really sang for me.  First, do no harm.  Basically, don't worry.  Don't conjure dark clouds in your head. 

    2) Do what you love.  Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.  Pour your love into the things you care about.  If everyone does this all will be actually groovy and everyone/thing will be cared for.  Family, friends (bipedal or otherwise), dreams.  If you can't love it, then leave it alone, it's not for you.

    3) Laugh often and well.  Can't find nuffin to laugh at?  Try this:

    or this:

    You'll know you've really got the knack of this life when it becomes funny. 

    4) If you must judge, forgive first.  No ones saying you don't get to think it through in your own time, in your own way.  Just try and let go of the idea that the situation (whatever, whomever it is) is intrinsically fucked first.

    5) Give freely where you love and there will always be ample.  For you and for everything else.

    6) When you cheat you steal from yourself, and when you do that you steal from everyone.  Don't cheat. 

    7) Tidy up after yourself.  Leave things a little better in your wake if you can.  Pick up rubbish.  Make the bed.  Do the dishes.  Figure out your shit.  That way the folks who come after can get on with what they love without muddying themselves up trying to figure out your shit.

    8) Be a bare witness to the events that unfold for you in front of you.  Bare witness to your pain and other's.  Really listen.  If you find yourself wanting to say "yeah, but", stay quiet and listen.

    9) There is no pain you are supposed to hold on to.  Only information, given freely and with love.

    10) All things radiate energy (its called thermodynamics baby).  All radiation contains a message and some messages take longer to receive than others.  Go to places you love and listen with open heart, ears and eyes.

    11) Well this one goes up to 11...
    Trust.  Deep trust.  This is a perfect world.  You will get everything you need and more (as your needs change) in time.  When you feel lost just trust that in time the world will return.  All you need to be is yourself, and this plane of reality will rise to astonishing and beautiful heights.  Breath into it.  Test where you are by seeing how you feel.  Breath and move further in.  How do you feel?  Breath and move.

    12) OK, 12.
    Tell your child they can do anything.  Then ask them what they want to do.  Listen to their response.  Play and enjoy.

    13) So whose counting?
    Genius.  What is it and how can you be one?  Easy!  Just listen to what you love, love it, and respond.  Don't hold anything back.  The love will flow through you and be transformed and everyone will marvel at what you have wrought.  Me especially, cos I am deeply interested in stuff.  Make me some wicked good stuff please guys.  Phil is also deeply interested in stuff, especially nature.  Anyone out there up for properly learning to talk to animals?  I'm nailed on sure that they are funny as fuck.

    14) What does Guy want, who is in all things?

    Send up a prayer in my name


    See number 2.

    And the beautiful thing is that once people know the right thing to do, they can't help but act from that truth deep inside themselves.  (Ha ha, it's too late for you.  You've read all this now, it's in you.  Love you guys. x)

    And so it builds exponentially as we all remind each other "Tiddler" style ( of the way back to the light.

    See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other. - Carl Sagan (Contact).

    My love and I had a wonderful 3rd date yesterday in Croydon.

    The best bits were spontaneously picking up rubbish with him.  Making the bedroom at Bertie's all nice again for Claire, and washing more dishes than we'd use the night before before we left.

    Because each of these was an act of love, freely given, which then resonates out.

    I left Bertie a lovely ginger root on his veggie rack (shhh, he doesn't know yet).

    Bertie turned me on to ginger and lemon tea (add honey to your own taste - from local bees if you have allergies).

    It's awesome.  Chop a couple of slivers off the ginger root (they're dead fucking cheap) and bung 'em in your favourite mug with a slice of lemon.  Pour on hot water, and imbibe the loveliness.  Best of all, if it goes cold it's still nice.  And if you fancy another after 20 minutes just pour more hot water over what's left in the cup and go again, with no side effects, other than the satisfaction of a nice cuppa.

    Look forward to playing with you again later.  My 5 year old is now working on flight.  He had an awesome idea for how we can break orbit without using all that fuel.  Mas tarde wapa niƱos.



    PS, if you're gonna bung a slice of lemon in hot water, make sure it's one of the unwaxed ones.  Unless of course you like a little wax in your tea...

    For the really good stuff crush and bung in a couple of "Poor Man’s Capers".  These are the seeds from the Nasturtium.  I just randomly grew some this year.  Phil pointed out they were edible and had a nice peppery heat to them.  Just the extra kick I was looking for ¦ )

    Sunday 12 September 2010

    I believe in Guy

    10:06 12/09/2010  Shed stoop (started as notes on paper)

    Ok, firstly it's important to note that I have decided to re-christen God as Guy.  Several reasons, chief of which I want to make it clear that it's not the Christian God or any other word driven deity I'm currently dancing with. 

    Guy is the essence of all.  We are manifest in a realm of boundaries and parameters, made from the stuff of Guy, but we were also given free will.  Which basically means we get to do as we please.  There are rules of return which govern this Universe of energy.  More on that later once I've dropped Sarah's bf off at home and finished the weekly shop.  (Keeping your promises is a very important rule, because you get what you ask for, and trying to pull in another direction means working through messages which will feel painful - that's why, unless you're an enlightened motherfucka, divorce is such a bitch).

    You may possibly have to wait for more on these rules until after little man's bedtime, but bare with me it's coming...

    Why Guy?  After Guy Garvey, lead singer of Elbow. Like much else which I am currently finding completely fucking awesome in my life, I didn't know him from Adam 2 weeks ago.  Why this accolade?  For The Seldom Seen Kid in general (not the first song on the album, which Phil says is the exception that proves the rule, only he doesn't quite say it like that), and for Mirrorball and The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver specifically.

    Particularly The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver.  Deep truths run through all creative mediums where the creator creates purely for love of what they are doing (as opposed to money, sex, fecklessness, boredom, revenge etc - powerful emotion breeds powerful messages, and the finest, most personally satisfying, most powerful, creative, nurturing and ultimately destructive force there is, is love).

    To me The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver sounds like my soul's mission.  A description of the journey I'm on which I would say started with the Protestant Reformation when many strands of energy (generations of people) gradually lost their esoteric sense of Guy (the feel of him) and bent their heads to studying the esoteric body of him (the world). 

    That must have tickled, but I think he's bored of being tickled now and wants to be believed in again.  Otherwise where am I getting all this shit from, and why am I sharing it now?

    Here are the lyrics.  The music is also awesome.  Picture the great thudding footsteps of Shiva when you listen.

    Gotta get out of TV
    Just pick a point and go
    The ticker-tape tangles my feet
    As I search for a face that I know

    Come on, tower crane driver
    There's not so far to go

    I must have been working the ropes
    When your hand slipped from mine
    Now I live off the mirrors and smoke
    It's a joke, a fix, a lie

    Come on, tower crane driver
    Oh so far to fall

    Send up a prayer in my name

    Just the same
    They say I'm on top of my game

    Dwindle gentle rose

    Send up a prayer in my name

    Listen to that album (somewhere you feel happy and safe, with headphones the first couple of times).  Guy's love is self-evident all through it (except the first track which I have, until now anyway, found myself unable to listen to). 

    Hence I can now state categorically that I believe in Guy.

    And the good people of Purley know that if I'm listening to my soul song on the way to my car I do struggle to keep the pure fucking love from exploding through my voice - which has an odd bell/ chime quality now which it never had before.



    Love babies.  Love.

    Incidentally apparently Guy (that's Garvey, not the almighty) has a show on BBC Radio 6 from 10pm to 12 on a Sunday night.  Phil told me a couple of days ago.  I am so listening to that tonight.  Hopefully he's doing it (apparently sometimes he gets stand-ins).

    Hang on, just go check shall I...  After all, what else is the interweb for?

    Bum holes, he's not on this week.  Next week then.


    Saturday 11 September 2010

    Double crack-a-jack

    I've fucking done it.

    No one finds their true love, God, and mysteriously the means by which to stay in the house of the dreams in a mere fortnight eh?  They do now.

    And I'm gonna share it babies.  Woosh! here we go.

    And the fucking fab thing is that 2 weeks ago it wasn't true.  I always had a vision of what I wanted but I've let it evolve with me recently.  I've allowed myself to be wrong.  Gloriously wrong for all to see.  I've allowed the possibility that I might not get my way.  Really knuckled down and looked it in the eye.

    And the result is that I am right.

    And I get it all.

    The whole beautiful vision in the Big Number 2 is going to come true.

    Play time babies.

    Now who has a funny story of sommat that's actually happened which happened to you or you heard about directly via the old 6 degrees?

    I'll start shall I?

    So, my son Benjy's bezzie mate Flynn's dad's mate's missus (as all the best stories begin) was asked to look after a dog by a couple of mates.  The dog was well old. 

    Oh man, she thought, I just know this dogs gonna carck it while I've got it.

    Sho enough.  The dog dies.

    Oh man. 

    So she had to get this dead dog to the vets so they'd dispose of the body, but she didn't have a car or much money and it turns out they'll charge you for coming to pick up dead animals if they have to send an ambulance to do it.

    So she came up with the genius idea of putting the dog in a big silver DJ case and taking it on the train.

    She's at the train station.  No lift.  She has to drag the case up the stairs.

    So she's huffing and puffing her way up the stairs with this case when a guy comes up to her.

    Are you alright there love?


    What's in the case.

    Er.  Well. It's... my husbands DJ equipment.

    Do you want a hand?

    Really?  Oh thank you!

    So he takes the case.  And he runs off with it.


    Cracked it! For the time being.

    6:02 11th September 2010.

    Black chair. Blue room.  Listening to the Bison festival's version of Jolene.  (Leave him love).

    The truth is you will lead the life you let yourself lead.  So it's well worth working your shit out as and when it arises.  If you let yourself get weighed down with worry that you don't deserve your life then you leave it unsupported.  Go talk to someone who loves you and work that stuff out.

    People get lost in the pretty patterns of synchronicity and in the heady rush of power play.

    These are the eddies which swirl around the main potential.

    God gave the world to us.

    We transform it's energy with our thoughts and our actons, for good or for ill.  We really do.  IT'S OURS.  Let's party like mum n' dad have gone away.  Make sure we get the place ship shape for when the kids get up tho yeah?

    I'm going to have so much fun with this life!

    And I'll offer what I can to anyone who asks.

    And, you know, do stuff for the kids.  Cos the kids are awesome.  If you want to be proper cheered up, go tell a child that they can do anything they like with their life (true) and then ask them what they want to do.

    My 5 year old son says he's bringing back the dinosaurs, and he's gonna start with robots.

    Can't wait!



    3.30am ish.  Fold out bed in the blue room.  Listening to Elbow.

    Who knew?  Turns out the following formula:
    Truth + Understanding = Love

    has an unexpected accumulative result.

    If you square the above by time, and reassess both the Truth and the Understanding each time confusion starts to wear in, in the beautiful way King Richard taught me in Yoga.  Just ease in.  Stop and breath if you have to and just see how it feels for you.  And then have another go.  Test it.  Try it.  Ease in.  See how it feels.  Breath through it.  Beautiful King Richard!

    If you spend your morning outside a coffee shop talking to whomever you please, on the phone or in person, just for the fun of it because the lady you were meant to meet didn't turn up.  And you wonder what the conversation would have been like, because she has a deeply held belief in Christianity, and you are basically completely feckless and whilst feeling deeply spiritual right now have always felt slightly icky about the idea of owning to a God.

    If you gave your love "Life and How to Survive it" as the book which has influenced you more then any other in your life, and he (heathen that he is) sent you "Conversations with God" and you've gotten to about page 10.

    If it dawns on you on the way to work that there are no fractures.  No deep crevasses of the mind to fall down and be lost forever, because it's all just channels of love.  Information intended for you.  Not pain intended for you to whip yourself with ad infinitum.  Just a message.

    If you're listening to Elbow's "The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver" for the nth time, because you just fucking love it.  And the more you listen the more it's like someone painted your soul for you.

    Tower Crane Driver.

    Send up a prayer in my name.

    TLOTTCD - Elbow (UTube)

    If you're at the end of a beautiful 2 week voyage of discovery where you've broken every social nicety you cared to, in the office yet, but done it with enough honesty and passion that the world lets you get on with it, until it's time for you to move to the next level.

    If you open your ears and your heart to the information swirling around you at every moment. And at that moment where you want to go "yeah, but" you just shut up and listen. And you do it with all of you because you want to be a bare (naked) witness (as opposed to a bear witness - Grrrrowl) to the darkness - be it yours or someone else's. And it just so happens you're talking to a wonderfully simple, compassionate, intelligent, and honest person. Who happens to be your Ops manager at work.

    If you try to log onto your blog in the common room at work and at it looks like your grand opus from the previous night, along with everything else on your blog has been deleted! And you're a bit freaked. But you kind of have this deep trust thing going on.

    You ride with the darkness and the fear.  And you think, I always did prefer sharing with people one on one then playing to a grand audience.

    And if it's gone then what next. Could be good. Let's see.

    If you spend your lunch hour with an open mind, and have a lovely time at the French market, and then go to the stairs by the car park, and decide to send out honest apologies to anyone you can see you have harmed without intending to.  And you call your dad just in time to be a bare witness to an argument you caused with a particularly brash piece of thoughtlessness just days before which had looked so like bravery at the time, between him and your brother.  And you shut up and just listen.

    Well there really is only one inevitable conclusion.

    You may well be siting in your chair at work experimenting with "baring witness" to a particularly complex issue.  And you may pause to follow a chain of reasoning which requires particular thought - which you do quite a bit if your job is figuring out WTF happened, as mine is.

    And you may find God. 

    And you swap music tips with someone at work.  And your voice has an oddly clear bell tone to it.

    And you might find yourself collecting rubbish on the way back to your car.  And when you have a handful you find a paper bag.  And when the paper bag is full you find a wallet.  Which you try to hand in, but the nearest police station is shut.  So you head back to your car collecting more rubbish and find a plastic bag, which all the rubbish on the way to your car neatly fills to the top.  All the while listening to your Ipod.

    Whole world around me (I'd always heard this as "Oh Romniberta" before yesterday.  True story :) ), came to fall, I'm not worried at all.  Cos I'm not able, he taught me to see.  He taught me to pray just for me.

    I'm not worried at all - Moby (UTube)

    And you drive to your home town, and as you drive, which you fucking love to do, you realise you are having a conversation with God.  And you think, Fucking hell Phil.  IF I'da known that loving you with all my heart would have religious implications...? And you laugh to yourself - which you're doing a lot lately, cos life is pretty fucking funny after all.

    And you think, how in the world am I going to explain this one to Phil?

    And you completely drive past your local police station, so you double back.  And there's no one there, but they have a deep postbox, so in the wallet goes.  And back in your car you decide not to swing round the roundabout, but go the long way home.  And fuck me it's a beautiful drive.  Look at the trees!  I didn't know there was a farm there!  Fucking rolling fields no less!!!  This close to where I live, no Way!

    And it feels like your soul has been healed.  Which is lovely, because it means you'll be able to get out there and play with all those beautiful people forever more.  No more hiding in darkness.

    And when you get home your brother calls cos something was bothering him, and when you end the call a whole lot less is bothering him than before.  In fact he feels lifted.

    And you call the lady from earlier, whose child is unwell.  And you laugh at yourselves for not exchanging mobile numbers.

    And it turns out when you call your love from the stoop of the shed under the beach tree in your back garden that you are on exactly the same fucking page with this whole God thing, but with slightly different info.  And the harmonies are profoundly beautiful. 

    And you realise there really is more to this power we have then making sure you always get a good parking space.  In fact you're probably gonna get out there and do something nice with your life.  For the children.

    Well, just "rah!" really.

    And your ex isn't impressed at all.  In fact he says. and not for the first time, that he's deeply concerned for your mental well being.  And he's barely cracked a smile for 2 weeks.  And he's looking forward to me telling him on Sunday that I really don't know how I'll afford to stay in my beautiful house.  If I had another month perhaps, but trying to do it in the week he gave me will probably beat me.

    And after putting your son to bed you eat some sweets and play on the Internet.  And it turns out your blog is just fine.  And you try and get your head down but something is really bothering you.  So you call your love, because he said he's got your back.  And gradually the knots loosens and the life returns to your heart.

    I see my love again for the third time in 5 and a half hours.  He's coming up on the train and we're gonna spend the day jamming with friends and family and grooving deeply off of one another.

    And I need to have a word with someone I love dearly.  Because it's no kindness to let someone get away with being a miserable fuck and a bully.

    And so the love flows.


    29/09/10 Seems I was still wrong about those Moby lyrics. 

    All round me burdens


    Friday 10 September 2010

    The Big number 2

    19:51 9th September 2010

    I’m sitting here blissing out on Elbow’s The Seldom Seen Kid (not the first track) and thinking of my love.

    Elbow (MySpace)

    I’m sitting by the shed in the back garden of the house were I live. It’s one of my favourite places. Right up there with the concrete stairs to the car park behind NWS house in Purley. And the peacock blue room with the gold stars. And punte de la nava.

    Right up there with the Bush Bison farm in Wiltshire.

    And the driver’s seat of Cherry my battered red Peugeot.

    And a little flat in Portsmouth.

    And 52 (head blowing to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there).

    Today I found out the secret to having it all. Awesome no?

    And the best thing is I have the skills to share it. And it’s free. And once you get what I’m saying, really get it, the rest of your life is going to be fucking awesome. And mine. And everyone’s.

    Some thank yous.

    Thank you life. Thank you Phil, you are the sun which draws the chlorophyll from my bark. Thank you for the challenge Dave. Thank you for anchoring me in reality Benjy. Thank you for leading the way Michelle. Thank you for believing in love my crazy parents. Thank you my friends and family. Thank you my work colleagues for being nice people in general and for not having me locked up for spilling my truth to you these past couple of crazy days. Thank you everyone I’ve ever spoken to. Thank you all the brave souls who ever dared to share their truth even when their ideas seemed totally fucking unsupported by the reality in which they found themselves.

    “If your aren’t in your element then you are the ambassador for it”, as a wise lady once said. She didn’t know she was wise. It just felt true. Thank you for being so very brave and strong. All totally worth it.

    So without further ado, here it is.

    This Universe IS one big room or requirement (ta JK, and the science and math are sound - check out Jaron Lanier's Raft to the Future). And if you want it to be awesome you just have to ask for the right things.

    Here’s the question which is going to change everything.

    What is your deepest Love?

    Here’s the answer which is going to change everything. When the light flashes and you know, balls to bone, what your deepest love is, you just have to say yes.

    And here’s the science bit my fellow meatlings.

    When you ask a question, any question, a little light sparkles in your head with the answer. Then your mental secretaries set about trying to retrieve it. And you know what? They don’t rest until they get it. Whether it’s instant cos it’s an idea you’ve already pounded a path to, or whether it takes them the next 100 years. They don’t rest.

    It shouldn’t take 100 years to answer this one. But if you want to speed up the process there are a few important things to note. Don’t stress it. Don’t ponder it. What you wanna do is go play. Whatever impulse lights in you as something wicked fun to go do, go do it. Fuck off and have a laugh. That way, your secretaries will be able to hear the answer cos you won’t be sitting on their shoulder barking orders. They can just get the fuck on with it.

    And when they come back with the answer, sit with it awhile. Even if it frightens the very life out of you to do so. Just sit with it. But if you can’t don’t sweat it. Get up and go do the thing you have to do. Whatever it is. Could be there’s another question you have to ask. Could be you have to go out and dance with the wonderful world and get a bit more info. Some more tools to help your secretaries in their good work.

    Then just lather rinse repeat until you get the desired outcome. You’ll know once you’re there because suddenly everything will be funny. You’ll feel light and wonderful. And the more you share it the better it’ll get.

    You’ll probably feel pretty fucking high for a couple of weeks. The feeling will come and go as you test each truth you receive with the next question. But eventually it’ll all bed down and you’ll feel exactly like your self. Only more so. Robin Skynner will be looking down from heaven and grinning his head off.

    And you’ll lift everyone you come across.

    And that’s not the best of it. Imagine a world where everyone is doing this…

    Brian Cox you lovely man. We’re going to go to the stars. And so much more. Love is way more powerful than lucre. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water (thank you Adorno and Horkheimer). Money is a useful tool. But that’s all it is.

    I reckon we should have everyone on board by about December 21st 2012 don’t you?

    Be nice to get the London Olympics under our belts before we make the leap.

    Then it’ll be time for this Universe to instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. And Douglas Adams will look down upon his creation and be mightily amused.

    Although what I actually think will happen is that everything will seem much as it ever did. Only more so.  Unexplainably more so from here.

    Thank you Graeme for mishearing me today and thinking I’d basically said that I had discovered an excel formula to answer the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. What a good idea I thought. And my mental secretaries were thrilled at the prospect of such a task.

    So here it is.

    Truth + Understanding = Love.

    We live in a perfect world.

    Why am I so clumsy? Because it’s funny. And I get to laugh at myself for the rest of my life.

    And this is just the beginning. I have so much more. And I want to share with everyone. I’m only playing. Join in.

    Pain is not for holding on to. It’s there to transform you. True Love doesn’t hide itself in a room. It’s transformative. It changes everything.

    "What is your Deepest Fear?

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.....You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world....We were born to make manifest the glory of God within is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others". by Marianne Williams
    Thanks for this J. How awesome to hear fireworks go off in the distance when you shared this with me.

    I've been living it. It's doable.

    The time of the God of money is done. It’s just a tool. The God of Love is in the ascendant.  Martin Luther started it.  But we've done the hard work and it's time to play.

    So beautiful. I had no idea. I had no idea.  Sagan you ledg.

    No one has the ability to see how beautiful they are.  Thank you Phil. My Mirrorball.

    I've heard some really funny stories in the last couple of the days.  Actually wet myself.  Got any good ones you care to share?  Go on, tell me yours and I'll tell you the one about the dog in the bag.


    Thursday 9 September 2010

    Blog in progress

    You'll have to excuse me.  I've just had the most awesome day of my life.  I'm gonna have a good old play and get some words down tha'll tell you all about it.

    Transcendence here we come my fellow beings of energy.  That goes for the trees, computers and houses too, et fucking al.

    Love Actually

    Dedicated to Adam Whitehall. Cheers for the suggestion mate. And Phil. Thank fuck for Phil.

    So, I've been reading the blog of a friend recently, and just been blown away. How can anyone get that naked in public? That gloriously naked. No sucking in of the gut or anything. Hats off to you Noise.

    The great thing about this great big Universe of requirement that we live in is that every heartfelt question receives an answer. And now here I am.

    Why am I getting naked all of a sudden? Read on.

    08:59 Sunday 5th September 2010

    The journalists of the world all got the headline wrong on Saturday morning.

    I have some really awesome things to say which I’d like to share with people in general.

    What, awesome like a hotdog?

    It’s like a hundred billion hotdogs sir…

    Intrigued? Of course you are you marvellous human. Read on. I will not disappoint. Unless you’re in the mood to be disappointed, in which case have fun ripping me about a little. X

    Frankly, the biggest news story by a country mile on Saturday, was that on Friday a couple in Portsmouth proved unequivocally that True Love is real, and it’s fucking wonderful.

    Lets have that again shall we.

    True Love is real, and it’s better than Princess Bride (the film anyway, which is awesome, I’ve not read the book).

    True Love is real.

    Very nice. What’s that got to do with me I hear you think (very keen ear for a sour note me). Ah. Because I’m a sharer. And I’m a communicator. I am a scientist and a scholar. A philosopher and a muse. I’m also really keen at code words. Check me out.

    The point is. I know it’s real now. And I can see how it must be different for everyone. I can see that your love will be a precise fit for you. Not you as you are now, but you as you will be as gradually the fear and defensiveness drop away, as you stop using all your energy to defend your image, and start afresh each moment in this world of infinite possibility and play. With a whole heart.

    Aw, come back! Shall I calm it down a bit? All right then.


    Imagine the possibility.

    It’s not all about shagging. We’re not all here to pair up. Check out Oogway from Kung fu Panda. He unravelled the mysteries of harmony and focus. That’s a tasty bit of love right there. There he was, perpetually in the moment with his heart open and with all the fine balance of life revealed to him. But there was no Mrs Oogway to shine his shell.

    He seemed groovy with it.

    Let me tell you about my sister M. 28 years old and she figured this stuff out years ago. She fell in love with the world, and for her that was enough. And if you’ve ever met Michelle you will know precisely what I mean. She dances with everyone she meets and lifts all who come close. Including miserable head-sunk me on so so many occasions.

    Personally, I need a Phil. And more than that I want a Phil. I want someone to play with. Fuck propriety. Together we will create a new world order. And best of all, it’s going to be laughably easy. All we have to do is play together, and keep going into the world to share our happiness with all the people we love.

    And yet I am still me (yeah love has opened my eyes to wonder and truth, but I’m still a bit on the clumsy side - funnily enough it's just as well, mistakes breed evolution, plus it's fucking funny, and humour is the highest form of expression).

    I'm still me, and the good thing about me is I have always loved to simplify and share. And when I throw a party everyone is invited. Even the spiders.

    So let me hand you a mental tool which you may use as you wish. I will fashion it now in your mind with technology more precise and refined at carving out instruments than scientists could ever dream to craft. With words and imagination I will give you a neat gadget to play with in your universe. The one you are lord and master of. The one in your head.

    Deep trust I call it. I trust Phil. I trust him with the whole of my heart. And what’s more I trust myself with the whole of his heart. I will never knowingly hurt him.  He has complete acceptance in me.  Go forth and be yourself you fine man.

    But I now also have a Deep trust in the unfolding of the world. So whenever I feel threatened or nervous I remind myself of deep trust and I let go. I untie myself from the future and allow the present. Which means I’m not then adding any further agitated unpleasantness to the mix of whatever is happening. Or at least not much. I ain’t perfect.

    What does God want from us? If God there be. Same as any child. See me, hear me, love me, understand me, grant me the freedom to be myself, play with me, let me go, let me return.

    If God is in all things – and I’ve been thinking about it and even True fucking Love is not enough evidence that God is real, you just can’t prove it empirically, not that I won’t keep teasing away at it - but if God is in all things then you best please God by living fully in the moment. Dancing with all that come before you and lifting any who come near.

    And you already have everything you need. You’ve just got to admit that if you wanted to you could stop hiding it and start sharing it. What do you have? I don’t know. But if you fancy what might well prove to be an enlightening response from a loved-up lady. Get in touch. I’m here to play and to share with everyone. It’s the most natural impulse I have.

    Maybe this is the start of a beautiful place where we can share our hopes and triumphs and all those times we have decided to be brave and go forth and get the shit kicked out of us by love.

    You have the potential to know true love and walk true love, you just need to figure out what really fucking does it for you and ask for it.

    Of course this ain’t news to everyone. But it was news to me. And now I want to share it.  I can't not.  Seriously, ask my work colleagues.  Ask the random selection of the good people of Chelsea and Shoreditch whom I was scaring the shit out of on Monday.

    I trust pain.
    It brought me here.
    Where all is forgiven and understood.

    If there’s something you need, anything. Just ask for it with an open heart. Be sensible though. Cos you might just get what you ask for. And nobody actually wants the moon. Where would you put it?


    P.S. Fucking loving listening to Station Approach by Elbow

    I don't know what I want but I know when I'm low that I, I need to be in a town where they know what I'm like and don't mind.

    Elbow - Station Approach (UTube)

    And Dry the Rain by the Beta Band (that one off of High Fidelity)

    If there's something inside that you want to say, let it all out it will be OK.  I will be your light, I will be your light, I will be your light, I will be your light.

    High Fidelity - scene with Beta Band song Dry the Rain (UTube)


    P.P.S If I've quoted either of the above entirely accurately I'd be really fucking surprised.  But they're basically right.  Them's the words scratched into my heart right now.

