Sunday 12 September 2010

I believe in Guy

10:06 12/09/2010  Shed stoop (started as notes on paper)

Ok, firstly it's important to note that I have decided to re-christen God as Guy.  Several reasons, chief of which I want to make it clear that it's not the Christian God or any other word driven deity I'm currently dancing with. 

Guy is the essence of all.  We are manifest in a realm of boundaries and parameters, made from the stuff of Guy, but we were also given free will.  Which basically means we get to do as we please.  There are rules of return which govern this Universe of energy.  More on that later once I've dropped Sarah's bf off at home and finished the weekly shop.  (Keeping your promises is a very important rule, because you get what you ask for, and trying to pull in another direction means working through messages which will feel painful - that's why, unless you're an enlightened motherfucka, divorce is such a bitch).

You may possibly have to wait for more on these rules until after little man's bedtime, but bare with me it's coming...

Why Guy?  After Guy Garvey, lead singer of Elbow. Like much else which I am currently finding completely fucking awesome in my life, I didn't know him from Adam 2 weeks ago.  Why this accolade?  For The Seldom Seen Kid in general (not the first song on the album, which Phil says is the exception that proves the rule, only he doesn't quite say it like that), and for Mirrorball and The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver specifically.

Particularly The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver.  Deep truths run through all creative mediums where the creator creates purely for love of what they are doing (as opposed to money, sex, fecklessness, boredom, revenge etc - powerful emotion breeds powerful messages, and the finest, most personally satisfying, most powerful, creative, nurturing and ultimately destructive force there is, is love).

To me The Loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver sounds like my soul's mission.  A description of the journey I'm on which I would say started with the Protestant Reformation when many strands of energy (generations of people) gradually lost their esoteric sense of Guy (the feel of him) and bent their heads to studying the esoteric body of him (the world). 

That must have tickled, but I think he's bored of being tickled now and wants to be believed in again.  Otherwise where am I getting all this shit from, and why am I sharing it now?

Here are the lyrics.  The music is also awesome.  Picture the great thudding footsteps of Shiva when you listen.

Gotta get out of TV
Just pick a point and go
The ticker-tape tangles my feet
As I search for a face that I know

Come on, tower crane driver
There's not so far to go

I must have been working the ropes
When your hand slipped from mine
Now I live off the mirrors and smoke
It's a joke, a fix, a lie

Come on, tower crane driver
Oh so far to fall

Send up a prayer in my name

Just the same
They say I'm on top of my game

Dwindle gentle rose

Send up a prayer in my name

Listen to that album (somewhere you feel happy and safe, with headphones the first couple of times).  Guy's love is self-evident all through it (except the first track which I have, until now anyway, found myself unable to listen to). 

Hence I can now state categorically that I believe in Guy.

And the good people of Purley know that if I'm listening to my soul song on the way to my car I do struggle to keep the pure fucking love from exploding through my voice - which has an odd bell/ chime quality now which it never had before.



Love babies.  Love.

Incidentally apparently Guy (that's Garvey, not the almighty) has a show on BBC Radio 6 from 10pm to 12 on a Sunday night.  Phil told me a couple of days ago.  I am so listening to that tonight.  Hopefully he's doing it (apparently sometimes he gets stand-ins).

Hang on, just go check shall I...  After all, what else is the interweb for?

Bum holes, he's not on this week.  Next week then.


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